Hi! I’m Georgina, a Melbourne based full time food content creator. I started creating TikTok videos during 2020 and they were pretty terrible (we all have to start somewhere right?). Then come 2022, I started making daily videos. I did some comedy, some food and what I eat in a day content. I found that you all loved the food so I started focusing more on that. My first viral recipe was a bacon and egg muffin which hit around 500,000 views which was WILD. Then I made healthy instant noodles and that went viral hehe. I think a total of around 20 million views across TikTok and Instagram. That’s when my following really grew and changed my life!

To throw a spanner in the works, in November 2023 I was diagnosed with Coeliac disease. If you don’t know what that is, essentially it’s an auto immune disease which means my body cannot process gluten. This obviously meant I had to change my content slightly and pretty much re learn how to cook. I’ve had many ups and many more downs especially because I LOVE instant noodles and there aren’t a whole lot of good ones out there for us coeliacs.

BUT, I hope you’ll join me on this journey because I’d love to have you all alongside me.